Following a rockslide which resulted in major delays and road damage this past weekend, CDOT is undergoing rockfall mitigation efforts to further ensure the prevention of future slides and disturbances. On Wednesday, 12/4, CDOT began work on the westbound lanes of I-70 near Idaho Springs in Clear Creek County. For the next few weeks, work will cause a disruption of typical travel patterns. From Monday through Thursday during the weeks of 12/9 and 12/16, expect delays in BOTH directions, exceeding 20 minutes during the hours of 9am through 3pm. With a little bit of planning it is very possible to avoid challenges, as travel outside of these hours are not likely to result in any delays.
The rockfall took place near a section of hillside that had already been flagged and planned for routine mitigation during spring 2020. However, due to heavier than expected snow and extra moisture exposure earlier in the fall, the area became particularly susceptible to rockslides. While we realize this may be an inconvenience, work needs to begin on this area (where last weekend’s slide took place) ASAP to stabilize the rockface and prevent further rockslides. During working periods, CDOT’s maintenance crews are working to remove loose/vulnerable rock from hillsides and clean up leftover debris. This next two weeks of work will be done in preparation of blasting which will occur during the daytime hours of Wednesday, 12/18 (however this is weather dependent and subject to change).
During Monday through Thursday work during the weeks of 12/9 and 12/16, traffic will be stopped in both directions (eastbound and westbound) for intervals of 20 minutes or more. Following a stoppage, vehicles will be released to pass through the area before traffic is stopped again. During Wednesday, 12/18’s blasting, I-70 will be closed in BOTH directions near this Clear Creek County location for several hours. More detailed information on this closure, including detours and local access, will be released next week. We will post this information when we have it and link any CDOT updates to our Facebook page, so please continue to check for updates and don’t hesitate to email us at if you have any questions. We also strongly encourage you to view and subscribe to alerts from the following features:
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· Connect with us on social media: Twitter @coloradodot and Facebook
Thanks for your understanding and we wish you easy travels!