

CDOT Grant Funding Allows Expansion of GoI70 Program Reach

We’re excited to announce that the I-70 Coalition is the recipient of a $60,000 grant from the Colorado Department of Transportation’s (CDOT) Office of Innovative Mobility. The CDOT grant was available to transportation management organizations based in Colorado who deliver programs focused on reducing driving trips, single occupancy vehicles and greenhouse gas emissions.

The I-70 Coalition will use this funding to increase traffic to the GoI70.com website in an effort to educate more I-70 users of the available travel alternatives and convert those website visits into users of the various alternatives, such as intercity bus (CDOT’s Bustang, Snowstang and future Pegasus services) and carpool mobile apps. We will also use the funding for research efforts to learn more about corridor travelers and how we can effectively reach them and enact behavior change in how they travel I-70.

According to traffic data, engineering reports and studies completed by CDOT, the average vehicle occupancy on the I-70 mountain corridor is 2.6 passengers per vehicle and around 400 vehicles need to be removed from the I-70 mountain corridor during standard peak travel times to reduce congestion and achieve free-flow conditions. Our goal is to chip away at the 400 vehicles that need to be removed to achieve free-flow by educating and encouraging motorists to change how they use and travel the corridor. 

We are just beginning to utilize these grant funds. Stay tuned to hear about our progress.




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