

Front Range Passenger Rail District 101

The Front Range Passenger Rail District (FRPRD) is paving the way for a transformative transportation future in Colorado. Established in 2021 through the Front Range Passenger Rail District Act (Colorado Senate Bill 21-238), this independent government agency is tasked with planning, designing, financing, constructing, operating and maintaining a passenger rail system along the Front Range. The legislation specifically calls out for representation from the I-70 Coalition, and the organization is proud to have a voice in shaping the future of passenger rail service. 

Michael Koch, a member of the I-70 Coalition board of directors representing the Town of Winter Park, has been recently appointed to the Advisory Board, replacing former Clear Creek County Commissioner, Randy Wheelock who served on the Board for three years. With extensive experience working with CDOT leadership and staff, Michael is well-positioned to contribute to the District’s vision. 

The I-70 Coalition views its role on the Advisory Board as twofold:

  1. Promoting Interconnectivity: Advocating for a holistic view of passenger rail service to ensure seamless connections between current and future rail lines across Colorado.
  2. Learning and Growing: Drawing insights from the FRPRD’s governance, service development planning, and financing processes to inform long-term transit strategies for the I-70 Mountain Corridor.

The District’s boundary extends from the Wyoming to New Mexico borders, encompassing portions or the entirety of 13 counties near the I-25 corridor. This expansive reach positions the District to connect communities across a broad geographic area with accessible and sustainable transportation options.

Authority and Governance

The District has significant authority to support its mission, including the ability to levy taxes through ballot measures. This funding mechanism will facilitate rail programs and enable station area improvement districts.

The District is governed by a Board of Directors comprising 17 voting and seven non-voting Advisory Board members. Collaboration with key partners—including the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Regional Transportation District (RTD), freight railroads, regional planning organizations and local communities—is essential to achieving its goals.

Strategic Priorities

To build a successful passenger rail system, the District is focused on several priorities:

  • Route and Operations Planning: Partnering with the Federal Railroad Administration, stakeholders, and other partners to define the route, service, operations, and financing plan for the rail system.
  • Building Partnerships: Coordinating with CDOT, RTD, and freight railroads to advance strategic partnerships, leverage resources, and maximize federal funding opportunities.
  • Sustainable Funding: Developing a network of supporters to pass a ballot measure that will secure long-term funding for the rail corridor.

Looking Ahead

As the FRPRD continues its work, it’s clear that this initiative will bring lasting benefits to Colorado by enhancing mobility, reducing congestion and fostering economic growth. The I-70 Coalition remains committed to supporting this effort and advocating for a connected, sustainable transportation future.




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